body parts in French

When talking about parts of the body, in French you usually use the determiners le / la / les rather than the possessive adjectives mon / ma / mes.

J'ai les mains froides. - My hands are cold.
J'ai la peau sèche. - My skin is dry.
Je me lave les pieds. - I'm washing my feet.
Je me brosse les dents. - I brush my teeth.
Il lui a pris la main. - He took her hand.
J'ai mal à la tête. - I have a headache.
J'ai quelque chose dans l'œil. - I have something in my eye.
Il a un bouton sur le nez. - He has a pimple on his nose.
Ne mets pas ton stylo dans la bouche. - Don't put your pen in your mouth.
Elle a les oreilles percées. - Her ears are pierced.
Elle lui a mis la main sur le front. - She put her hand on his forehead.
Elle lui a fait un bisou sur la joue. - She kissed him on the cheek.
Il s'est égratigné le bras. - He scratched his arm.
Il lui a pris la main. - He took her hand.
J'ai les doigts engourdis. - I have stiff fingers.
Il était assis sur les genoux. - He was sitting on his knees.
La petite fille s'est assise sur les genoux de sa mère. - The little girl sat on her mother's lap.
Il s'est cogné le gros orteil contre le pied de la table. - He banged his big toe against the table leg.

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